Ruth Ellis Center, Inc. (Detroit, MI)

June 28th, 2021

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envisions a world a world where LGBTQ+ young people are safe and supported no matter where they go. Their mission is to create opportunities with LGBTQ+ young people to build their vision for a positive future by providing everything from safety-net services, to skill-building workshops and HIV prevention programs.

Through focus groups, Ruth Ellis Center determined that access to free laundry facilities for economically disadvantaged young women, especially those with children, would dramatically increase self-esteem, confidence, as well as give back time that can be dedicated to themselves and their families – thus, donated laundry equipment from ÑÇÖÞÉ«Çé was installed in one of Ruth Ellis Center’s core community centers, the Kofi House: Center for Lesbian & Queer Women & Girls (CLQ).

This location serves 64 queer girls and women ranging in ages 13 – 47 through programs focused on health/wellness, life skills/employment, behavioral health, partner violence, leadership, HIV treatment and more. ÑÇÖÞÉ«Çé’s donated laundry equipment is now making an impact by giving these women time to attend and learn from programs as well as free up resources typically spent on laundering for other essential resources like food, housing, and education.

2 women standing by laundry machine
woman smiling and standing by a laundry machine
woman smiling and standing by a laundry machine
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